How often do you try new or different things?
I try new things only every once in a while.
A few years ago, I tried a classical music concert on a Sunday afternoon. It was my first classical concert since I was a kid. I slept through half of it but I enjoyed it very much.
数年前に私はとある日曜日の午後に開催されたクラシックコンサートに行きました。 私にとって子供の時以来のクラシックコンサートで、半分コンサートを楽しみ、半分眠りについてしまいました。
Now I go to a classical concert twice a year. I’m looking forward to the next one by the Chiba Chamber Orchestra on the 14th of August.
Pudding and wine in the lobby beforehand! Should be interesting. I do that and I’ll probably sleep through the entire concert.
コンサートでは演奏の前にロビーでワインとプリンも販売されるそうです。 もしこちらを頂いたら私はまた寝てしまいそうです。。。。

Miho, who’s been practicing the violin every weekend for the concert is also a student at eclipse!
I hope you are making lots of interesting plans for your Obon break this year too.
By the way, the school will be closed from the 11th to the 15th, if I haven’t already reminded you directly.