Are RIO on the same page here?


イクリプスのPerry(ペリー フクダ)です。

Well the Olympics are done.  Safe to say Rio did a fantastic job with this version of the Summer Games?



Sweet bumper sticker on that Ferrari.

Sweet bumper sticker on that Ferrari.

Japan made a splash in the medal count as well as a splashy appearance in the closing ceremonies, the prime minister making his statement disguised as perhaps the most famous modern Japanese cultural export.



We all know who the King of Splashy is. "Can you believe it? Not a single call. My agent's pissed."

“Can you believe it?  Not a single call.  My agent’s pissed.”

The world got a glimpse of the future and the past at the same time with a spectacular display of cutting edge technology and iconic cultural images.  Well at least the world that has TV’s.

世界は、最新技術と象徴的文化のイメージの素晴らしい表示で、同時に将来と過去を垣間見ました。 少なくとも、世界はテレビをとても持っています。

Meanwhile, people in Japan carried on with their usual lives, spending time with friends and family, enjoying summer events like beach BBQ’s or camping trips, or traveling around famous spots in the country or overseas.


Not necessarily in that order, for me at least.

Not necessarily in that order, for me at least.

Who are we kidding.  Summer’s all about homework!

One family at least made a trip to the 5th station on Mt. Fuji, from where they brought me this:


Look me in the eye and tell me you don't want one too.

Tell me you don’t want one too.

It’s a pen!  It’s a samurai!

Remember this guy? He was always one of my favorites, actually.

Remember this guy?
He was always one of my favorites, actually.

What more could you ask for?  Obviously, I’m super happy to now own a samurai character as well as a new pen since you can never have too many of those, but there’s more.


(Made in?) Japan + Pen = ジャペン don't cha know. Stick that in your homework and pipe it. Or something like that.

(Made in?) Japan + Pen = ジャペン (JAPEN)
Stick that in your homework and pipe it. Or something like that.

The manufacturers of this particular trinket decided to top things off with a (not so subtle?) DAJARE.

If you like, please leave your favorite examples of DAJARE in the comment section below.


