イクリプスのPerry(ペリー フクダ)です。
Some special souls “gathered” at eclipse on Saturday night. (10/07/2016)
Or should I say ghouls?
We all said, uh, “Long time no see and Happy Hello-ween.”
Yes, they were Raiders coming to draw blood at the Lost Dojo.
We did games and activities in English; it was fun for everyone even though there were high levels and low.
Things got scary for the finish as we transitioned to a Halloween theme.
We finished off the evening at Mihama Base, a Inagekaigan’s ‘beer boutique’.
It was a spooky, good night. Really great to see everyone from FESS again, and so glad things basically went smoothly.
Thanks to everyone who came, and look forward to doing it again sometime!
イクリプスでは、 日系カナダ人講師がネイティヴな英語でお子様の英会話はもちろん 、大人の方の英会話(日常英会話からビジネス英会話)、 英検対策も対応しております。
秋に向けて、何かにチャレンジしたいみなさん、 英会話はいかがですか?